19 May 2011

My Creative space - Booch Swap

This week has seen me thinking a lot about brooches and has had me trawling through the net looking at all sorts of brooches out there.

I've joined Flower Press in her brooch swap, though the only brooches I've ever made where when I was making silver and gold jewellery, so it's taken a while to get my head around making one of of my current hobby of fabric and wool.

After hours of think time, visualising different approaches and discounting most of them as either too hard, too juvenile, or too easy, I have made a couple that are visually striking and that I hope are wearable for an adult woman, one will be for my swap partner and the other will be used as a present during the year for a special lady.

I have used scrap pieces of fabric that I have been collecting this past year, and although simple, I  like the striking contrast between the white cotton and red felt.
The back is a simple blanket stitched pouch filled slightly to give it a more 3D effect.

All I have to do now, I buy some brooch clasps and post!

There are more lovely creative spaces for you to view here - it's a new site too

11 May 2011

Cushion Swap 2011

I entered the 2011 Cushion Swap hosted by Vic at Punky & Me and was very excited to be a part of another swap. It's been sooo long!

Although my original idea for this cushion was going to be a little different, I decided when I mocked it up that it looked too "shop" bought style, so I had to rethink my original idea.

I wanted to use my new crocheting skills of making flowers, and I wanted it to be something original and bright. So I used Spring as an inspiration and came up with this using denim, ribbon and wool with insect buttons.

I just have to finish off the back of it, and send it!!

I hope the receiver likes it and enjoys it.....

04 May 2011

My creative space - Cushions

I'm making cushions this week, some for my caravan and one special one for the 2011 Cushion Swap.

They are both very different to each other and I can't wait to see the finished results.

Here is a little teaser for the cushion swap hosted by Vic

And here are the caravan seat cushions.

The outdated and poor condition original ones seat cushions

I unpicked them to get fabric measurements, and found the original foam was a bit on the dead side.

And the new ones currently on the machine.

Our bed side will be denim

and the other side is a cream vinyl with red border (to match the curtains).

I wasn't sure how my sewing machine would cope, but it's done really well.

Stay tuned for the finished product, and take a look here for more crafty people

Caravan gets the once over

I went to the block again the other day with the intention of going for a walk with the kids.
I also wanted to give the caravan a bit of a clean just in case it needed it....


As you can see the floors were filthy with baked on dust and mud - euwww!

After some hard core cleaning and some wishing that we had power and I had a vacuum,  I finally was able to see the floor again.

Some tlc, lots of bleach and elbow grease and finally i feel comfortable in letting the kids enter and sit down.

Doh... have to sew the cushions now!

And then some curtains.

There were a few gems to be found and although I won't use them for cooking, these pots are really cute

so creative!