03 November 2010

New Look!

In my last post, I had decided to let the business of Little Cooties rest.

To celebrate my new decision, I have changed the look of my blog.

Now that my business is on hold, and this blog is not necessarily to market myself as a maker, I thought I would update it.

It feels cleaner than my previous layout and I love the highlighted post area at the top! I would like to tweak it a little and put beautiful images there, but for now, it is a little taster of things to come.

I wish I had taken a snapshot of what it looked like to show here, but, we will all  have to rely on our memories now!.

What do you think of the new look? I hope you like it.

So come and say goodbye if you can at my last market - Thread Den in North Melbourne. Every item will be 50% off the market price - you can't do better than that!


  1. I do love the new look of your site! Although it is sometimes hard to make a change, congratulations on making the decision. Best happy wishes going your way!

  2. I'm going to miss you craft buddy. Snif snif. Lv Beky

  3. new look, new beginning!
    hope you find your passion Fab.
    hugs ♥

  4. Definitely I like the change! My best wishes for this new season for you.


so creative!