01 April 2010

My Creative Space

Oooops Made a mistake with the link! Sorry!
For 13 May 2010 My Creative Space click HERE

This week I've been inspired by my
children's childcare centre to create a
visual diary of their art and how
they develop as the months and years go by.
Today, my creative space is taking care of
Lucho and Eva's creative expressions.

As all kids do, my children spend a portion of their days drawing or painting.

Some mornings I will wake to their quiet chatter in the lounge room, both of them with a pencil in hand, drawing freehand on paper, or a colouring in book. It's such a beautiful sight, and something that they enjoy so much.

I have bought each one an A3 spiral bound book with white cartridge paper and I will be pasting their creations in and making any notes of special drawings or developments in their creative style.

The front covers have images chosen by them to make these books even more special and respected.
I hope to be able to look back on it, and remember special moments, and also show them as they grow how they are changing and getting more creative and expressive.


  1. this is a great idea. the centre my eldest daughter worked at did this for each of the parents and i always thought how nice it was.
    My Creative Space

  2. i love the name of your blog, it brings me back to primary school! and the books will be cherished by the kids in the future!

  3. What a fantastic idea!

    I'm going to do this too - much better than pictures stuck randomly in drawers!

  4. Wow what a great project! Your kids will love pulling these out in the years to come and seeing how much they've changed. A beautiful idea


so creative!