02 September 2010

My Creative Space

My Creative space this week has been to document my trip whilst in Chile.
Here, I'm with my dad with a pic of the Andes in the background (excuse the smog...) It looks much clearer after it rains and washes away the pollution.

I have free time in the morning and also in the afternoon, and I have gone on many errands and of course shopping for gifts to take home to the loved ones. Amongst all of that, I have been snapping things of interest on my handy and small mobile phone. The large camera which I thought I would use is tucked safely away and only used when travelling by car to visit relatives, as I would not have it for long if I were to walk down the city streets sightseeing.


Here is a hair salon

A cart selling candied and roasted
peanuts by the side of the road


A replica of the Easter Island Tolomiros



Here are some of the VERY delicious foods I've been consuming....


CHILENITO (merengue and caramel biscuits)

SUSHI wrapped in avocado - not Nori as I am used to seeing - Was very nice


Eva has a replica of this carousel at home, sent by her Chilean great grand mother and grand aunties


not long to go now till I head back home - 4 days till I see my much missed and loved family again.

And while I'm online, I'm going to take a look here.... you should too :)

so creative!